Koncové partie od Fischera po Carlsena

Všichni mistři světa zanechali v šachu svou stopu. A přestože měli různé styly, každý z nich hrál koncovku výjimečně dobře. Materiál na tomto DVD vychází ze série ChessBase MasterClass a dává vám dobrou příležitost vychutnat si některé z nejlepších koncovek v historii šachu.
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Koncové partie od Fischera po Carlsena

Endgames from Fischer to Carlsen

Vychutnejte si, jak Bobby Fischer hraje "Fischerovy Koncovky":
nechte Karstena Müllera, aby vám ukázal, jak se hraje 11. Mistr světa přivedl Petrosjana a Taimanova k zoufalství v koncovkách s věží a střelcem proti věži a jezdci! Endgame dovednosti 12. Mistra světa Anatolije Karpova jsou rovněž legendární. Vytvořit rozhodující výhodu ze zdánlivě neškodných pozic - Karpov byl mistrem tohoto umění stejně jako dnes Magnus Carlsen! Nebo se nechte inspirovat dynamickým stylem Garryho Kasparova či Višiho Ananda a jejich snahou o iniciativu. A podívejte se, jak Vladimir Kramnik podráždil Kasparova koncovkou "berlínské zdi". Nechte si ukázat a vysvětlit finesy mistrů světa od experta na koncovky Dr. Karstena Müllera. Vychutnejte si nejzajímavější okamžiky šachové historie, např. zápas Fischer-Spasskij v Reykjavíku v roce 1972, kdy se partie ještě přerušovaly a šachoví fanoušci z celého světa se nadšeně zapojovali do rozborů koncovek.

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  1. 01: Introduction [03:19]
  2. Bobby Fischer
  3. Chapter 1: Theoretical endgames
  4. 01: Centurini's Rule - 01.01 Taimanov,M - Fischer,R [08:09]
  5. 02: Rauser's Drawing Zone - 01.02 Walther,E - Fischer,R [05:13]
  6. 03: To exchange rooks or not to exchange rooks that is the question - 01.03 Reshevsky,S - Fischer,R [08:22]
  7. 04: The duel active king against outside passed pawn - 01.04 Fischer,R - Bisguier,A [09:30]
  8. 05: A bolt from the clear blue sky - 01.05 Bisguier,A - Fischer,R [03:16]
  9. Chapter 2: Rook endings
  10. 01: The short side - 02.01 Gligoric,S - Fischer,R [04:42]
  11. 02: The cut off - 02.02 Fischer,R - Sherwin,J [05:20]
  12. 03: The missed zwischenschach - 02.03 Gligoric,S - Fischer,R [03:44]
  13. 04: The race - 02.04 Fischer,R - Benko,P [07:03]
  14. 05: The power of the passed pawn - 02.05 Fischer,R - Portisch,L [04:08]
  15. 06: Duel of the passed pawns - 02.06 Geller,E - Fischer,R [02:23]
  16. 07: Activity is the order of the day - 02.07 Fischer,R - Bisguier,A [07:06]
  17. 08: Geller's brilliant idea saves Botvinnik - 02.08 Botvinnik,M - Fischer,R [06:24]
  18. 09: The old riddle of Petrosian vs Fischer - 02.09A Tigran V Petrosian - Bobby Fischer; 02.09B Tigran V Petrosian - Bobby Fischer [05:35]
  19. Chapter 3: The Fischer endgame
  20. 01: Taimanov's Knightmare Part 1 - 03.01 Fischer,R - Taimanov,M; 03.01A Fischer,B - Taimanov,M; 03.01B Analysis of Fischer,B - Taimanov,M; 03.01C Analysis of Fischer,R - Taimanov,M [09:58]
  21. 02: Taimanov's Knightmare Part 2 - 03.02 Fischer,R - Taimanov,M [05:53]
  22. 03: Taimanov's Knightmare Part 3 - 03.03 Fischer,R - Taimanov,M [04:22]
  23. 04: Even Fischer's bad bishop wins - 03.04 Petrosian,T - Fischer,B [07:40]
  24. 05: One of Fischer's most amazing moves - 03.05 Fischer,B - Petrosian,T [04:47]
  25. 06: Magic against the Magician - 03.06 Fischer,R - Tal,M [05:30]
  26. Chapter 4: Famous games, riddles and mysteries
  27. 01: The famous riddle of 29...Bxh2? - 04.01 Spassky,B - Fischer,B [05:35]
  28. 02: The amazing 13th match game from Reykjavik - 04.02 Spassky,B - Fischer,R [04:07]
  29. 03: The first win against a Soviet grandmaster - 04.03 Fischer,R - Keres,P [04:16]
  30. 04: Benko's brilliant idea - 04.04 Fischer,R - Euwe,M [03:33]
  31. 05: A mistake Fischer never made - 04.05 Saidy,A - Fischer,R [02:55]
  32. Anatoly Karpov
  33. 01: Karpov's cavalry attacks - part 1 - Bouaziz,S - Karpov,A [05:27]
  34. 02: Karpov's cavalry attacks - part 2 - Spassky,B - Karpov,A [06:34]
  35. 03: The legendary - knight versus bishop classic" against Kasparov - part 1 - Karpov,A - Kasparov,G [09:18]
  36. 04: The legendary - knight versus bishop classic" against Kasparov - part 2 - Analysis of Karpov - Kasparov,G [04:26]
  37. 05: A lasso for the steed - the Karpov distance - Karpov,A - Ftacnik,L [05:06]
  38. 06: Even pure opposite coloured bishop endings are not always drawn - Ljubojevic,L - Karpov,A [02:58]
  39. 07: Bishops of opposite colours favour the attacking side in the middlegame - Braga,F - Karpov,A [02:59]
  40. 08: The classic against Kavalek in the Karpov ending - Karpov,A - Kavalek,L [07:23]
  41. 09: Restriction and domination strategy - part 1 - Karpov,A - Uhlmann,W [06:03]
  42. 10: Restriction and domination strategy - part 2 - Karpov,A - Ljubojevic,L [07:06]
  43. 11: Kortschnoj's counter - Kortschnoj,V - Karpov,A [04:45]
  44. 12: Safety in Rauser's drawing zone - Kortschnoj,V - Karpov,A [05:21]
  45. Interactive tests
  46. 01: Accurate rook moves - Karpov,A - Gligoric,S [07:35]
  47. 02: The congenial rook and knight duo - Karpov,A - Jussupow,A [09:25]
  48. Garry Kasparov
  49. 01: The basics of endgame theory - Alburt,L - Kasparov,G [07:38]
  50. 02: Triangulation - Seirawan,Y - Kasparov,G [02:52]
  51. 03: A long ending against Short - Short,N - Kasparov,G [02:51]
  52. 04: The greatest enemy of the knight - Kasparov,G - Adams,M [04:37]
  53. 05: The dire straits of the king in the corner - Polgar,J - Kasparov,G [04:18]
  54. 06: The gem - Anand,V - Kasparov,G [01:34]
  55. 07: Two rook endings against Kortschnoj, Part 1 - Kortschnoj,V - Kasparov,G [04:12]
  56. 08: Two rook endings against Kortschnoj, Part 2 - Kortschnoj,V - Kasparov,G [06:41]
  57. 09: Two rooks against Topalov, Part 1 - Topalov,V - Kasparov,G [05:53]
  58. 10: Two rooks against Topalov, Part 2 - Topalov,V - Kasparov,G [07:31]
  59. 11: A rook dominates two minor pieces - Van Wely,L - Kasparov,G [06:46]
  60. 12: The King's Indian classic - Danailov,S - Kasparov,G [07:54]
  61. Interactive Test
  62. 01: Kamsky's king in the crossfire - Kamsky,G - Kasparov,G [06:09]
  63. Vladimir Kramnik
  64. Chapter 1: Kramnik's technique
  65. 01: An open file is like an open wound - Kramnik,V - Vocaturo,D [09:42]
  66. 02: Kramnik's central majority - Kramnik,V - Leko,P [04:52]
  67. Chapter 2: Endgame - Rook and Knight vs Rook and Bishop
  68. 03: Mating attack out of clear blue sky - Kramnik,V - Leko,P [03:55]
  69. 04: Powerplay on the light squares - Nakamura,H - Kramnik,V [04:29]
  70. Chapter 3: Strategical initiative
  71. 05: The power of the bishop pair - Kamsky,G - Kramnik,V [04:06]
  72. 06: Small army strong attack - Kramnik,V - Carlsen,M [02:35]
  73. 07: The power of the passed d-pawn - Kramnik,V - Howell,D [02:55]
  74. 08: Kramnik's king - Kramnik,V - Ponomariov,R [04:15]
  75. 09: All rook endings are drawn - Kramnik,V - Topalov,V [04:37]
  76. 10: Kramnik's battering ram - Ivanchuk,V - Kramnik,V [02:33]
  77. 11: The fine art of transformation - Kramnik,V - Gelfand,B [06:35]
  78. Chapter 4: Kramnik vs Kasparov
  79. 12: Opposite coloured bishops favor the attacker - Kramnik,V - Kasparov,G [04:40]
  80. 13: Kramnik's match strategy- Kramnik,V - Kasparov,G [10:37]
  81. Interactive Tests
  82. 01: Kramnik's knight defense - Nakamura,H - Kramnik,V [06:07]
  83. 02: The bishop wants dynamics the knight static - Kramnik,V - Khalifman,A [05:50]
  84. Viswanathan Anand
  85. 01: White knight's knightmare - Gustafsson,J - Anand,V [05:56]
  86. 02: The power of the bishops - Anand,V - Lautier,J [02:43]
  87. 03: The green bishop - Anand,V - Aronian,L [07:35]
  88. 04: A light initiative weighs heavily - Anand,V - Kasimdzhanov,R [05:29]
  89. 05: Opposite colored bishops favor the attacker - Anand,V - Karjakin,S [11:53]
  90. 06: The Queen wants dynamics the rooks static - Shirov,A - Anand,V [04:22]
  91. 07: The Berlin wall falls - Anand,V - Ponomariov,R [07:50]
  92. 08: Anand's counterattack - Carlsen,M - Anand,V [06:48]
  93. 09: The Berlin wall holds - Anand,V - Carlsen,M [13:56]
  94. Interactive test
  95. 01: Double rook ending technique - Anand,V - Gelfand,B [08:48]
  96. Magnus Carlsen
  97. 01: The Carlsen endgame - Carlsen,M - Caruana,F [14:26]
  98. 02: In Capablanca's footsteps - Radjabov,T - Carlsen,M [06:52]
  99. 03: Do not rush - Carlsen,M - Kramnik,V [07:05]
  100. 04: Carlsen endgame with knights - Palo,D - Carlsen,M [07:41]
  101. 05: h- and f-pawn can win in the Carlsen case - Leko,P - Carlsen,M [06:21]
  102. 06: From the opening into the endgame - Carlsen,M - Anand,V [08:56]
  103. 07: Rook endings are not always drawn - Anand,V - Carlsen,M [02:48]
  104. 08: Knight on the rim is dim - Carlsen,M - Naiditsch,A [05:25]
  105. 09: Attack with opposite coloured bishops - Carlsen,M - Karjakin,S [05:39]
  106. 10: Magnus mighty knight - Kramnik,V - Carlsen,M [08:42]
  107. Interactive test
  108. 01: Small army, great attack - Carlsen,M - Aronian,L [07:38]
  109. 02: The eternal pin - Carlsen,M - Onischuk,A [04:15]

Minimum: Dual Core, 2 GB RAM, Windows 7 or 8.1, DirectX11, graphics card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 14/Fritz 16 or included Reader and internet access for program activation. Recommended: PC Intel i5 (Quadcore), 4 GB RAM, Windows 10, DirectX11, graphics card with 512 MB RAM or more, 100% DirectX10-compatible sound card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD-ROM drive and internet access for program activation.

Název atributuHodnota atributu
AutorDr. Karsten Müller
Datum vydání2018
JazykAnglicky, Německy
SystémWin 7 a vyšší
Koncové hry od Fischera ke Carlsenovi
Endgames from Fischer to Carlsen (download)
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Koncové hry od Fischera po Carlsena
Endgames from Fischer to Carlsen (na DVD)
dodací lhůta : Skladem u dodavatele - do 7 dní
770,00 Kč